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Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story



In 1987, Dr. Ben Carson travels to Germany to meet a couple, Peter and Augusta Rausch, who have twins conjoined at the back of their heads. Dr. Carson believes he might be able to successfully separate them, but realizes that he also risks losing one or both of them. After explaining the risk, and despite that fact, Ben agrees to operate.

During the four months, he spends researching and formulating a plan to increase his chances of a successful surgery, the film shifts back to 1961 in Detroit, Michigan, to a time when 11-year-old Ben Carson is doing poorly in school. His single mother, Sonya, who had but a third grade education, is distressed about her sons' academic failures and decides to do something about it. First, she requires Ben and his older brother Curtis to learn the multiplication tables, and unbeknownst to them, checks into a mental institution to battle depression. When she returns, she realizes that her sons are watching too much television, so she restricts them to no more than two shows per week, requiring them to read books and write reports on them. She hides from Ben and Curtis the fact that she is illiterate.

Ben and Curtis begin to learn much from the world of books. Within one year, Ben goes from the bottom of his class to the top. However, Ben harbors an irascible temper which climaxes in high school when he nearly stabs his friend over choice of radio station. However, the blade hits the buckle of his friend's belt and does not go through. Shocked, Ben runs home and cries out to God to take away his bad temper. This experience changes his life for the better.

After hard work and strong determination, Ben receives a scholarship to Yale University, where he meets his future wife, Candy Rustin, who supports him in his struggles to get through Yale. After studying neurosurgery, he is accepted as a resident at Johns Hopkins Hospital, where he is faced with a dilemma that could end his career – operate on a dying man without permission or supervision, or let him die. He takes the risk and saves the man's life.

In 1985, after Dr. Carson's mother joins the family in Maryland, Candy is rushed to the hospital where she miscarries their twins. Dr. Carson stays with her all night until the next morning when he does a rare procedure, a hemispherectomy, in which he removes half the brain of a four-year-old who convulses 100 times a day.

The film then returns to where it began: the year 1987, when Dr. Carson is preparing for a risky operation to separate the twins conjoined at the head. With four months nearing an end, Dr. Carson is still unable to figure out a way to separate the twins. Then he receives an epiphany and, accordingly, devises a plan. Twenty-two hours into the procedure, Dr. Carson and his team manage to separate the twins, saving their lives and liberating parents Peter and Augusta. The film ends with Dr. Carson as he is surrounded by members of the press.

Download the pdf: Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story

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