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Top 10 Most Influential African Tribes During Atlantic Slave Trade

Atlantic slave trade is the most unfortunate activity in the history because it displaced many Africans from their homes. It created a legacy of oppression for the descendants and generations to come. 10th is the least influential while 1st makes the top.
Lets go.
10th Position: Chamba people They are located in Northern Nigerian and Cameroun. They are an African ethnic group found in the Gongola State of east-central Nigeria and neighboring parts of north Cameroon.They speak two distantly related languages: Chamba Leko, of the Leko–Nimbari languages, and Chamba Daka, of the Dakoid languages, both of which are a Niger-Congo language
They were victims of Fulanis Jihadi slavery in the 18th and 19ths century. Things went really bad for them that they migrated into the mountains to form Guerrilla groups attacking Fulani slave merchants.

9th Position: Wolof people They are found in Senegal and some parts of Mali. Their origin is widely debated. But mainstream knowledge has it that they originated from the north and later migrated down south. They found their own empire, but warring made them split and this made them vulnerable to slave hunters. Most wolofs are muslims. They had a violent Jihad past that further exposed them to slavery either as slave merchants or as victims.
8th Position: Abron people They inhabited the border of Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Burkina Faso. They were at the center of popular gold coast. Many of them were taken slavery and were given a specific name in Jamaica called “Koromantis”.

7th Position: Fulani people Fulanis are one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa. They are nomadic in nature and present in East and West Africa. They can be found in Senegal and all the way to Central African Republic. Other places they inhabit includes, Niger, Mali, Nigeria, Guinea and Cameroun. Their origin is highly debated, but their origin has been traced to North Africa. They were somehow the original people in North Africa due to their paintings in Nigeria which are dated to 6000BC North Africa. In fact, their history is rich and full.
The fulanis embraced Islam very early. They have many prominent Jihadis who swept across Africa. Example is Usman Danfodio. Ironically, as prominent as their shieks and Jihadis in slave trades, Fulanis were also victims of Slavery themselves. It was recorded that they were hugely enslaved. Some of the most popular slaves taken to new worlds are fulanis. Exampl, Umar Ibin-saeed, Abdulrahaman and Dialo. Most were taken to America specifically.

6th Position: Mende people Mende are collections of African tribes speaking the Language “Mende”. There are so many tribes in Africa speaking Mende, therefore, its illogical to call Mende a single tribe. But the prominent of all is Mendenka. Mendenka built one of the largest empire in West Africa. They raided the coast line of West Africa and mingled with Coast line people. Even some Fulanis have Mendenka ancestry. Origin of Mendenka is largely the Sahara. Archaeology discovered Mendenka to be first builder of stone settlement civilization in West Africa. Mende Cultture was the most dominant in West Africa from 1100bc to 1600BC.

5th Position: Fon people They are the largest ethnic group in Benin Republic. They are also found in South West Nigeria. They are hybrid of other African tribes. Oral history has it that they were formed from intermarriage of Aijaa and Yorubas creating a new ethnic group called Fon. The Fon people created a very popular kingdom called Dahomey as they are well known for their female warriors. In fact Black Panthers movies was inspired by Dahomey Female warriors (Amazonian Warriors). They were victims and victimized during the slave trade. They are the most popular in Trinidad and T, Haiti. Due to their Yoruba ancestry, they are renowned for their black Juju practise in America. There black magic origin is traced to the Yorubas. Voodoo was significant during their war of freedom from slavery.

4th Position: Bokango People

Bokango people are Bantu people living along the costal region of Central African Republic. They live primarily in the Democratice Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo and Angola. Similar to Mendenka, they built one of the Largest empire in Central Africa. They are one of the African tribes that converted to Christianity at the early stage of Slavery. They basically had encounter with Portuguese trade merchants. They were mostly victims of slavery and it was on record that the king of Bokango wrote a legendary letter to the Portuguese. It got so bad that the king son himself was also taken slavery offshore. His name is Gando-Simba. He was a brave Bokango soldier. Most Bokango slaves were taken to southern America

3rd Position: Igbo People Igbos are native to South Central and South Eastern part of Nigeria. Igbos are one of the largest ethnic groups in Africa. Even though their origin is widely debated, their presence has been recorded got thousands of years. Igbos were caught up in the slave trade as a result of the migration of Aro confederacy. The Aros migrated to Igbo land due to high demand for slaves. Aros capture and hunt Igbos and sell them to the Europeans. Igbos sold to Europeans accounted for 13% of slaves mined from Africa.

2nd Position: Yoruba People They are African tribes of North Central and South Western Nigeria as well as Southern and Central Benin Republic. Yorubas and Fulanis are the largest ethnic groups in Africa. It is hard to tell which is larger. They were mainly sold to the North America. And they were the mostly recognized African cultures in America. Yorubas are found not loose their culture wherever they go. They are dominant culture and Pantheon Yoruba ideology became a religion worshiped. They create shrines and worship centers in Jamaica, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican republic, st Lious, Brazil Trinidad and Tobago. Yoruba is fast becoming a religion even among non-Yorubas in America. They were the face of African slavery. The Yoruba along Benin/Edo culture has been dated by Archaeology as the oldest civilization in Africa, dated as far back as 11bc Nimrod era.

1st Position: Mbundu People They are the main tribe in Angola today. There are multiple stories surrounding their origin. But the most popular of all is that of a rumour of people originating from multiple Chieftains across Africa. In short, they are hybrids of different tribes across Africa. They were mostly taken to Brazil. They were the most popular and lucrative slave market for the Portuguese. Majority of Mbundu warlords were ship builders and architects. They built large ships used for transporting their own people to Brazil. That is why they are the largest black ethnic group in Brazil till date. Portuguese had it easy with them because it was cheaper transporting Mbundu slaves. Mbundu Chiefs built giant ships which really helped the Portuguese slaves Merchants.

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