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My Grandma's Easy and Natural Cure to Stammering

2 Months ago, I never believed that stuttering, popularly called stammering have a natural cure until something remarkable happened in my family recently which lead to a marvellous revelation. A revelation that changed everything!
My kid bro who stutters for 16 good years can now speak eloquently because of what my grandma told me.

From a Stutter to an Eloquent Speaker  😍😍😍😍
This’s how it all started. 100% real life experience.
I can say we are one of those families that NEVER go home. It’s sad but just like my family, I know a lot of folks here in Lagos that have never visited their village for more than 20 years.
Some don’t know know the road to their village.lol My family was not an exception not until 2 months ago, we decided to break that YOKE! woohooo!!!
We planned a family reunion. one I will NEVER forget.
on this faithful day, we set out and went to the village. It was FUN! If you’ve been to the village before, I’m sure you can relate. so many things to enjoy especially the NATURAL FOOD! 

Anyway, that's not the main gist.
Here is the most interesting part of this remarkable visit.

With me was my kid bro, who is 16 years old. The last time my grandma saw him, he was just about 2 years old. that’s 14 years ago!

My kid bro was giving birth to a stammerer. So because of that, he is always shy and usually don’t talk much even in the midst of his friends. he has been a victim of bully several times in school because he stutters.
he always isolate himself to avoid embarrassment.

So as usual, when we arrived at the village, when everyone was happy telling stories, dude was not saying anything.
My grandma noticed and was trying to find out what’s wrong with him. is he a deaf? she asked… but then, she said to her self “ but he greeted me, so why is he not talking when others are talking and laughing?
My grandma tried to reason with him but my kid bro won’t say a word… so my grandma called me and said to me in our local dialect “What’s wrong with your brother”? .
I said, “Nothing is wrong with him. He stutters and so most times, he prefer not to talk especially when there are people around”.(Other villages actually came around to welcome us.)
My grandma asked, so what have you done about it? what medication has he taking and why I’m I not aware of this long before now? you see why I keep telling you people to come to the village? this boy shouldn’t be suffering from this. something that could have been cured easily….. of course I know she’s already putting the blame on me. her words were just pouring out spontaneously.
At that point, I was laughing and I said, “But grandma, this thing HAS NO CURE! there’s nothing we could have done about it!” 
“Says who?” she asked 
Well, I couldn’t reply that because that has always been my assumption.
So my Grandma called one girl, gave her N1,000 and sent her to the market to get …….. haha! I know you’re eager to know…. don’t worry, I’ll tell you later. let's continue our story.
So after about 30mins, she brought it, I was told to boil it and my kid bro was giving instructions on how to take it….and that was it! the rest is history…..
So what exactly did my grandma told me?"
I've put this is a step by step guide anyone can easily follow.You can get it here  http://thehappyfamily.com.ng/go/stuttering-nnu/

I've shared this same solution with a lot of persons and it work for them too! Click here to see proof
NOTE: Please tag anyone who might need this. Sharing is caring :)

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